Alan Carniol

Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.

Monday, 30 September 2013 11:03

Talking about Your Ideal Work Environment

Ideal Work EnvironmentOne of the many factors that can affect job performance is work environment. It has a significant influence on how a person feels about his or her work. This environment includes your relation with your coworkers and supervisors, the company’s culture, the organization’s room for personal development, and so on.

Mentoring ExperiencesCoaching and mentoring are used today by most companies to develop their new employees. Whether it’s the executive-level workers or the overall staff, coaching and mentoring are increasingly being recognized by human resource managers as an important factor in employee development.

Leader or FollowerPeople often say that in order to become a good leader, one must be a good follower. You need to learn how to follow and obey orders from people who are in a higher position than you. By being a good follower, you can gain a lot of wisdom and knowledge from others, and that can help you become a better leader.

Career GrowthAs we age, we develop in a number of ways. We learn how to develop social relationships, personal connections, individual preferences, as well as our career path. Included in our career path is our career growth, which is a part of our human development.

Tough Interview QuestionChallenges and obstacles are always tests of determination, skill, and ability. Whether it’s a challenge in your personal life, in school, or in the workplace, a successful outcome is an indication of your persistence and your ability to come up with a unique strategy.

Interview Question - PromotionPeople often say that you can’t always get what you want. Regardless of how hard you try, what is not meant for you is not meant for you. One good example is a job promotion. Even if you did everything right—you met every deadline and handled every task perfectly—the results might still be less than optimal.

Working with a team“What are you more comfortable with: working with a team or on your own?” This is a typical yet tricky job interview question. Your answer to this question will help your interviewer assess your communication and social abilities.

Interview Question ReadingAside from being curious about how effective you are at performing daily tasks and how well you work with people (e.g., coworkers, employers, clients), your interviewer is also interested in your hobbies and other talents. Sometimes, they will even ask about personal things such as dreams, long-term goals, childhood experiences, hobbies, habits, or whatever else they want to ask.

Passion for WorkAccording to Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” People often say that the key to a successful career is to love what you’re doing, and we call this passion. It is one of the fundamental things that drive people to do what they do.

Job QualificationOne thing that you should always remember when searching for a job is that you need to be fully aware of the job description. You must understand the workload, requirements, and qualifications before you apply for it. Every company has different ways of determining whether you’re qualified for the job or not. You just have to give it a try so you can find out.