Alan Carniol

Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.

Permanent JobTemporary jobs are a great way for employers to keep their business running while also not committing too much to full-time employees. This situation presents job seekers with a prime opportunity to show their skills to employers. It’s also a chance for people who need money to provide for their family while continuing their job search.

Career Fair InterviewThere are always career fairs going on in every city for job seekers. The problem is that most people don’t know what to do when they there to make the most of the opportunity, and they end up leaving disappointed. However, when you know how to make the career fair “work” for you, you can make this a powerful tool that can help you get interviews and eventually land a job. So, if you’re considering attending a career fair, here are three tips that can help you achieve success.

Friday, 21 June 2013 02:43

Strategies for Career Fair Success

Career Fair StrategyCareer fairs can be one of the craziest places to conduct your job search. They’re often held in large venues to accommodate a large number of people, which means more competition for you and less chances of getting a shot at a job. Still, this shouldn’t keep you from going to one.

Cold CallingThere are a number of ways to get a job interview. Lately, online job searching seems to get the most attention, but there is also another way you can get yourself an interview: cold calling.

Thursday, 13 June 2013 18:51

7 Interviewer Pet Peeves to Avoid

Annoyed InterviewerYou’re feeling good today because you were invited to an interview. You feel even better because you know that you have the perfect skills and experience; plus, you’ve already prepared a list of questions and answers. However, once you get to the interview, you did some small thing that irritated the interviewer. You can prevent this from happening by learning about the following common interviewer pet peeves.

Job Search while workingSo, you’ve already decided that it’s time to look for better opportunities, something that can offer what you’re current situation doesn’t. The problem is, you’re already employed. Searching for a job while employed presents a unique set of challenges, and when not handled properly, it can end up in a big mess. The following tips can help you succeed in your job search when you already have one.

Employed Job SearchStarting to look elsewhere after a few years of working at a company is not unusual, especially when you’ve been stuck in your position for a while with no foreseeable change. However, most people make the mistake of waiting until they lose their current job before starting to look for a new job.

Bad InterviewerIt’s been a long time coming. You’ve been searching for a job for weeks now, and this is the first time you were invited for an interview. So, you got ready by getting a good night’s sleep and preparing answers to every possible interview question you can think of. However, when you arrive for the interview, you’re faced with the one thing you didn’t prepare yourself for: a bad interviewer.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013 08:53

5 Signs of an Outdated Resume

Outdated ResumeNow more than ever, the world is constantly changing. There are things that we do today that may not be the best way next week or next month. Like other things in life, the interview and hiring process is in flux. There are things that weren’t accepted before that are now expected, and if you’re not willing to adapt, you’ll be left behind.

Phone InterviewSooner or later in your job search, you will likely have to deal with a phone interview. This is not uncommon in the early stages of the interview process. Phone interviews are also common for remote or virtual job positions.