Dec, 2019

4 Tips to Help you Prepare for a Career Discussion with your Manager

4 Tips to Help you Prepare for a Career Discussion with your ManagerSo you’ve been with your company for the longest time and confident about the skills you’ve acquired and master as well as the knowledge you’ve been equipped with all these years. And now, you can say you’re ready to step up the ladder. However, there’s no career path ready for you and you’re unsure how to take the first steps to the career growth you’ve been looking forward to. Yes, you have to have a discussion about this with your manager. Not sure how to go about it? Here are some helpful tips to get you ready for a career discussion with your boss.

Ask yourself important career questions
Before initiating a conversation with your manager, it’s important to ask yourself certain questions regarding your career. Start with your values. Your values should coincide with what you hope to achieve in your career. Then, think about what motivates you. Are you someone who works better with flexible tasks and roles or are you more comfortable with working around a structured workflow?

Also, be sure to consider your short-term and long-term career goals. Where do you see yourself in the next 12 months or five years? By clearly defining the answers to these questions, it will be easier for you and your manager to tailor a path that will help you achieve your goals.

Own it
No one else can bring you career success but you. If you think you’re ready to up your game in your career and confident about what you can bring to the table, then it’s something you should. Don’t go around waiting for your boss to initiate planning a career path for you. It just isn’t the way to go, especially when you know you’ve waited long enough for a break. Embrace the fact that you are in charge of your future career success and start doing something about it.

Highlight your accomplishments
What you have accomplished and achieved in the past will be considered by your manager when they discuss your next career path with you. Write down all your accomplishments and specific scenarios where impressive performance and important skills were exhibited. Be sure to clearly jot down the times when you have done something that brought a great impact to the organization. Also, if you can secure reports that quantify your success and wins, much better!

Know where you’re headed
Desiring a growth in career doesn’t end with wanting a promotion. It’s important that you know exactly where you’re headed. This is where a vision comes in. Ask yourself if it’s only a promotion you hope for or do you need exposure in a different field or area? Do you look forward to a leadership role where you will be managing people? Are there specific skills or knowledge you wish to acquire? Answer these questions and you’ll be able to have a smooth career development discussion with your manager.

Read 1467 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 00:18
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.