Dec, 2019

4 Tips to Deal with Anxiety at Work

4 Tips to Deal with Anxiety at WorkHave you been having trouble falling asleep at night or been worrying too much? Or you’ve been feeling too much exhaustion from work, shaking inexplicably, been sweating or palpitating for no apparent reason? You might be experiencing work anxiety.

Work anxiety is caused by a variety of reasons but they all boil down to work-related stress. It could stem from long working hours, toxic relationships with coworkers, dealing with a demanding boss, low salary and benefits and so on. While these things aren’t really uncommon, anxiety at work is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted or it will take a toll on your mental and overall health. Learn how to effectively manage the anxiety your job entails by following these tips!

Get to know the people in your office
Getting to know your co-workers means that you should know them by name and that you have to be familiar with their roles. This makes it easier for you to reach out to people if you need help or if there are any issues that need addressing. This also helps avoid gossips around the office. If you’re not familiar with everybody yet, now is the best time to get to know them and build solid relationships with them.

Take breaks in within your shift
While it’s important that every employee strives to be productive in a workplace, it doesn’t mean that you have to sit at your desk all day to tackle your workload. Taking breaks is paramount to your sanity and productivity. Schedule 10 to 15 minute breaks every 2 hours. Take time to leave your desk, walk around or go outside to breathe in fresh air. You can also do meditation and stretches just to clear your thoughts and relax your mind before getting back to work.

Set realistic deadlines
One of the things that stress people out at work is desperately trying to meet unrealistic deadlines. Why? Because they want to make an impression; they want to impress their boss and they don’t want to be a disappointment. However, in your desire to look good, you might actually do more harm than good. Be honest from the very beginning if you think the time you’re given to finish a task isn’t doable. Not only will it help make sure you finish on time, but it will also spare you from unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Take your lunch outside the office
Instead of always doing a working lunch, use this time to your advantage. Use this to relax and fend off stress and negativity. Don’t eat at your desk. Make it a point to leave your workstation during your lunch break. Eat somewhere outside the four corners of your office. Take this time to walk outside, breathe in fresh air and do something else besides dealing with your tasks. You’ll thank yourself later that you did.

Read 1066 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 00:14
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.