How Employers Discourage You From Negotiating Salary

Negotiating Salary Salary is the elephant in the room. Don’t hesitate to be vocal and frank — you’ll be much more likely to receive the salary you truly deserve.

Here are five things employers practice that often discourage candidates from negotiating salary:

Not giving an opening to negotiate. Employers will usually end the interview, without allowing for a salary discussion. And when a job offer is given, most people end up accepting the offer, without having the opportunity to speak up.

You can avoid this by not waiting for the employer to give the opening for negotiation. Bring up the topic yourself.

Having you agree to a number early in the hiring process. Before explaining the full scope of the job, employers will usually ask for your salary expectation — even when you’re still selling them your candidacy.

Dodge this approach by stating that your salary expectation may change after learning more about the job. Don’t be afraid to negotiate, especially if you think you’ll be handling multiple responsibilities once employed.

Basing an offer on what you have been making previously. Your salary shouldn’t be tied up with your prior salary history. Your salary offer should always be based on the duties and responsibilities you’ll be taking on. It’s common for employers to only offer a small increase based on your previous pay.

If you can avoid giving out your salary history, avoid it. Your salary is no one’s business but your own. If the employer keeps pressing you, state clearly that your salary history has nothing to do with their salary offer.

Making up for the low salary with a great benefits package. The benefits may sound amazing to you at first, but remember that there are other companies that are willing to pay an even higher salary with equal (or potentially better) benefits.

Be honest with yourself and know what benefits are and aren’t worth taking. It’s fairly easy to find out what salary ranges and benefits are appropriate (and competitive) through a bit of research.

Saying there’s no room for additional money now. You’ve probably heard this before. Companies may offer to pay you a lower salary now, promising that you’ll be given a raise in the future. When you hear this, make sure you have an iron-clad agreement before making a decision.

When it’s time to talk salary, muster every ounce of confidence you have and tell them how much salary you’re really expecting.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.