Enhance your Online Job Search in 5 Easy Steps

Online Job SearchIf you think the job search process never changes, think again. The avenues to discover new jobs continue to change day by day, including adding different recruitment methods that you can use to your advantage.

Because of the never-ending change in job search, what’s an applicant to do? Here are five easy steps to improve your online job search:

Understand the new resume. Though authorities say traditional resumes won’t be obsolete anytime soon, you must keep yourself up to date with current trends. This includes creating an online job profile in case a company asks for it.

If possible, try to create a website with your personal brand together with your relevant work portfolio and your traditional resume. Since more and more business is conducted in the digital arena, it’s only a matter of time before resumes and interviews enter the digital scene.

Check your online profiles. More than 90 percent of employers are using social media to hunt for candidates. It is important to always keep your social media accounts under your watch. Manage your online presence carefully to avoid portraying a negative image.

Take precautions when posting images or even updating a status to prevent your online presence from holding you back from great career opportunities.

Check your online footprint. Your online presence doesn’t only include your social media accounts. Sometimes, websites can tell a lot about you (that you’re not even aware of). To check, start Googling yourself on a regular basis if you’re in the process of looking for a job. You never want to let your employers (or potential employers) see you in a bad light.

Get a domain. Start creating a personal web page or even a Twitter account to write content that will be of relevance to your career path. It’s best to usea domain name with your own name. For those with a common name, perhaps you can try other variations or add your profession to the URL. According to Rona Borre, CEO and Founder of Instant Technology, this is an inexpensive way to show that you have technical acumen.

Build your network. In today’s digital age, networking is one of the most important things you can utilize in the job market. The people you connect with can be of great help in the workplace, or even in personal matters. If you’d like to build your career, try to surround yourself with people that are connected to your line of work.

The tips listed above should help you enhance your online job search. But remember, landing the right job lies in how you handle and present yourself during the interview.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.