7 Reasons to Turn Down a Job Offer

Turn Down a Job Offer Getting a job offer too soon after an interview should actually be a red flag to those who want a promising career in their field of expertise. No matter how badly you need income, it’s best to stay aware of potential signs during the interview that a job won’t be what you’re hoping for.

Be selective and strategic when it comes to employment — you don’t want to end up back in the job search cycle, looking for new work all over again.

To help you observe and decide if a job offer is worth taking, here are some tips to consider:

The job description is too vague. If you’re getting conflicting job descriptions during the interview, then you should probably run to the nearest exit. If the hiring manager or managers can’t describe the job’s responsibilities and expectations clearly during the interview, it’s a sign that the confusion runs deeper, and will continue. Move on.

You seem to be talking to a bad boss-to-be. Passing up an opportunity due to a rude and disrespectful boss may be the wisest decision you’ll ever make. According to a Gallup poll, only 30 percent of Americans enjoy working with their bosses. A disinterested and unprofessional boss can drive employees up the wall, and can even affect their emotional stability. Even if you’re struggling financially, there’s something better out there, with management who truly cares.

A not-so-pleasant interview experience. If you feel like something is off during the interview, keep your eyes and ears wide open. Feel free to address any concerns (theirs or your own) to lessen whatever worries you may have.

Perhaps your recruiter is especially late for the interview, and doesn’t apologize. Will you speak up? This should be a sign to diss the job offer. In this case, punctuality and basic courtesy is a problem.

Too much work at work. Try to schedule your interview at the end of the day if possible. Doing this gives you an opportunity to observe whether employees are still stuck at their desks. It’s actually a perfect time for you to do your own investigation of the company.

Gloomy office environment. It’s important to work in a bright and upbeat environment in order to do your job well. But if the place is drab and only a few people genuinely interact, take time to decide whether you want to work for that kind of company.

Forcing yourself to like the job offer. Convincing yourself that it’s not so bad is almost always a bad sign. Don’t just accept an offer just because you can’t wait to get out of your current situation.

Your gut feel. Sometimes, leaning towards what your gut is telling you is the best option. Go with your heart over your head, especially if your intuition tends to steer you in the right direction.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.