7 Ingredients of a Well-Written Entry-Level Resume

Well-Written Entry-Level ResumeStarting your career? Here are 7 keys to help you write the best resume to play up your strengths and experiences.

A good resume is critical to job-seeking success. Since it serves many purposes, it is important to display pertinent contact information, including your skills and experiences to-date.

Here are seven ways to draft a resume like a pro:

Font and point size. Since this is the first thing a hiring manager sees, choose a style that will match your selected industry in terms of professionalism. Times New Roman, Arial and Calibri are great font choices when writing a resume. (Always choose an easy-to-read font.)

Be careful not to make your resume too casual or trendy. Choose a standard font in 11- to 12-point size. Anything smaller can be difficult to read. Anything larger than 12 point can look like you’re trying to compensate for a lack of content.

Contact information. Emphasize your name by making it several points larger than the rest of the resume, and make sure it’s in bold. Don’t forget to include your contact number, email address and LinkedIn public profile address. Don’t waste valuable space at the top of your resume — keep a symmetrical layout of your contact information.

Objective. If you must include an objective, make sure you have a specific one; otherwise, it’s best to leave it off of your resume, as the practice of including an objective is generally considered outdated.

Summary. This is often used to provide an overview or diverse track record of your work experience, projects and professional skills. For new grads, a lack of experience means it’s best to leave the summary out.

Education. For an entry-level job seeker, a college degree is the greatest accomplishment you can list. Include your GPA if it’s 3.3 or higher, and any relevant coursework related to the role you’re applying for.

Experience. This includes your internships, volunteering and other out-of-the-classroom experiences that are relevant to the job description. Your experiences will highlight your past accomplishments. Don’t forget that employers are looking for candidates that have excellent problem-solving ability, communication skills, leadership, and certain technical skills.

Skills. List any relevant technical skills to boost your resume and stand out.

Once you’re done, go over your resume several times to check for errors. Have a friend or two with proofreading skills also review it before you post it or turn it in.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.