Jun, 2018

If You're Thinking of Giving Up - Read This

If youre thinking of giving up read thisHere are four people who thought they were "past it"... and then went on to land their dream job using what I teach in Interview Success Formula.
For reasons of authenticity, I've left these stories exactly as they are -- without any kind of editing. (They were posted on SiteJabber.com.)




Thank you for all of your help! I've been meaning to write you to let you know that I landed my dream job! Your program was extremely helpful and I couldn't have done it without your program! I was with my last company for 15 years where I started right after I graduated college. As you could imagine my resume my very out of date and interviewing was a distant memory! Thanks again for your help!
Happy Holidays,


downloaded the interview success formula and followed the steps. It pointed out why interviews fail, .. 1- need to articulate .. 2-- don' be nervous and 3 - be prepared.
Then I went though the info on "how to build" in the interview. AND THEN NAIL IT! I FOLLOWED THOSE STEPS AND IT WORKED. I EVEN GOT MORE MONEY THAN I ASKED FOR.
So it was quite a win. A good paying job, plus more than I asked for .. and then I find out the company gives a bonus. It was well worth the 100 dollars I paid. I highly recommend this. Another reason I bought this was for "support", I have little support in my live and I hate to bog friends down, and my immediate family has their own issues. So to get the support is very important. Thank you. I am grateful!


When I came across the online ad for this, it piqued my interest because of the "Superman" pose. So I continued to watch the infomercial. Somehow it convinced me and I made the investment. It's been helpful to me during the time I was looking for job. I was out of work for 5 mos and happy to say I will be starting my new role mid-March.
The tools interviewsuccessformula.com provide are "common sense, yet not so common." When you go through them, you'd be thinking "I know these things" yet you've not applied them. These tools will help you focus your job search and provide you with the confidence you need to go through the rigorous interview process.
Good luck to anyone still in transition and those who are wanting and needing a career change.
Gee T.

And Ellie:

I was a bit sceptical when I first bought this product but once I went through it I saw how valuable it was and it helped me enormously!

I had my first ever interview for a permanent role and I absolutely aced it thanks to this. More importantly, I then also got offered my dream job.

The program helped me go from being unemployed and doubting my abilities to getting two job offers in one month! I cannot stress enough how useful this product has been.

Just think...
In a month or so, when I send another one of these "success" emails, it could be your story I write about. For some of the folks above, their life changed in a few weeks or so after investing in their success.
Ready to make the leap of faith and join our program?

Read 1760 times Last modified on Sunday, 01 July 2018 10:43
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.