The Top 5 Executive Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Executive Resume Mistakes to Avoid Committing resume mistakes may cost you a great opportunity that you’ve longed for. Know how to rectify them and start building your career today.

Refining your resume is important in order to communicate your unique value effectively. Knowing how to convey your value in a concise manner within your resume will be the basis for employers to make their decision.

Here are some of the mistakes you need to avoid:

No Clear Title

An executive resume requires a concise headline describing what you do. This is important; all hiring managers look at this portion of your resume to know what roles you might be a fit for.

Lengthy Summary Section

Never write a dense, hard-to-read summary section — big words and long sentences are not necessary. Without knowing it, using obtuse words may put a barrier between you and the recruiter. Using short, punchy sentences in simple clear language is always better.

Hard-to-Read Resume Introductions

Just like the summary section, your introduction shouldn’t be that long. Including everything in this small section will just push the recruiter to skip the section altogether. Instead, choose 2-3 of your selling points and use them as the centerpiece of your resume.

Missing Keywords

Because computers scan some resumes before a recruiter may see them, you need to include important keywords related to your profession or industry in your resume.

Too Much Information

You have to show your level of experience, but this doesn’t mean you need to include a lot of detail in order to grab their attention. You can still trim down your resume without losing any power or impact. Remember, less is always more when it comes to writing executive resumes.

Focusing Too Much on Job Descriptions

Don’t overemphasize your responsibilities and roles. Keep in mind that recruiters are primarily interested in what you can offer the company. Use 3-4 times as much space for your accomplishments as the job responsibilities.

Vague Accomplishments

Emphasize the impact you’ve made by using numbers or percentages. Saying that you turned the business around without any proof will remove your chances for consideration.

These errors are more common than you think. Use the opportunity to write a strong resume to help you land a job you’ve always wanted.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.