New Employee? Here’s What Not to Do at Work

What Not to Do at WorkIn a new job, since everything’s unfamiliar around you, be sure to comply by the rules to avoid being reprimanded right out of the gate.

Since you’re subject to a different set of rules in a new workplace, it is important to be careful of your actions no matter how small. Keep in mind that small behaviors can carry more weight once they’ve accumulated.

To help you adjust to your new environment, here are eight things you shouldn’t do while at work:

Taking vacation leave too soon. Asking for vacation time during your first few months will definitely raise eyebrows. Avoid using your vacation leave too soon unless it’s a family emergency or something else genuinely urgent.

Ratting about your new boss. Obviously, complaining about your boss to your co-workers is a total no-no. You may project the image of a prima donna. It’s best to settle in with your co-workers and the environment itself,and avoid being quick to judgment and babbling about your new boss.

Bad-mouthing your work history. We have to be honest with ourselves. There can be times when we can feel exhilarated gossiping about an old boss and previous jobs to new colleagues. However, this should be avoided, especially if you’re a newbie. You want to be seen as welcoming, not as a basher.

Taking long lunches when you know you shouldn’t. You should abide by the lunch culture of your new workplace, no matter how short the time colleagues are allowed to eat.

Taking advantage of the business expenses. Asking to stay at a more expensive hotel during a business trip is a fast way to tarnish your reputation. Instead of spending the company’s money in a lavish way, instead focus on establishing yourself as a great employee.

Spending too much time on Facebook or other social media platforms. Sure, taking Facebook breaks is easy to do, but being spotted on time-wasting sites when you’re new on the job is something that will affect others’ perception — and it can worm into your work ethic.

Calling in sick too soon. If you call in sick too early, your manager may assume you’re unreliable. Of course, you don’t have to push yourself into going to work if you’re really carrying something contagious. If you need to call in sick, reassure your boss that the illness is real and that the timing is unfortunate.

Once you’ve got the hang of your new job, feel free to lighten up a bit, as long as you’re not violating company rules. Follow policy to put yourself in the best possible light.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.