8 Crippling Job Seeking Mistakes to Avoid

Job Seeking Mistakes to Avoid Know the basic do’s and don’ts when it comes to job hunting. Don’t let yourself be caught in a trap. Overcome these common obstacles to land that job.

Sounding desperate. No matter how much you need a job, show yourself some respect, and don’t try too hard. Don’t over-rehearse your lines. Always be genuine. Sincerity will help you make a positive impression and receive good feedback in return.

Negotiating salary during the first interview. This is definitely a no-no for every job seeker out there. If you try it, expect to be removed from the list of candidates who will be invited for the next interview. Don’t ask about salary until they have decided to make an offer.

Not knowing your value. Are your skills in demand? Is your line of expertise similar to other candidates? If so, it’s probably going to be difficult to demand a higher salary, especially if people are willing to be paid less for the same position.

To save time, research the going rate for the line of work you’re interested in. Study the job requirements by talking to other professionals in the field, and make use of your connections. This will give you an idea what of what the reasonable salary is for the position you’re applying for.

Taking shortcuts. Writing a generic cover letter and sending it out online is easy. But don’t expect to get a string of responses. Make an effort to write different cover letters for different companies and learn about their backgrounds. This will give you an edge over other applicants. Hiring managers are much more likely to notice how serious you are about getting the job because you’ve taken the time to sit down and research the company.

Neglecting networking. When looking for a job, it’s so important to make use of your connections when you really need work. Don’t be ashamed to ask about job openings that will suit your field of expertise. A job search is also a perfect time to reconnect with old colleagues and alumni. Reconnecting and keeping your resources handy is a great way to look for a job and keep your stress level down.

Sending group emails. If you announce your unemployment status through a group email and say that you would like everyone to keep an eye out for an opening, forget about receiving a reply. It is important to keep messages personal to get a response.

If you do send a personal email and get a response, don’t forget to follow up. People are busy and may forget you’re still looking.

Procrastinating. It’s fine to take a few days’ rest when you’ve become unemployed. Beyond that, create a plan. Set short-term goals to find work. You can create a timeline to keep yourself motivated.

Blaming others. Even though the economy is still making its way out of an extended rough patch, stop pointing fingers. Take action by planning for your job hunt. You may have to revise your resume, create a new cover letter and research the industries your most interested in to help you become a more effective job hunter.

Landing a job you love that pays well doesn’t come easy. Keep in mind that your future is up to you. Take steps in your job search every day and see where they lead you.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.