10 Biggest Lies Not to Put on Your Resume

Lies Not to Put on Your ResumeWithout a doubt, lots of people put lies on their resume to help them land a job. Are you one of those people? If you are, then you should start thinking twice whenever you lie on your resume. You never know when you’ll get caught and ruin your reputation. Here are 10 of the most egregious resume lies, all of which must be avoided.

1. Fudging dates of employment.

It does look bad to see someone’s record of working for less than a year at a company. To avoid the question of why, sometimes people “stretch” the dates of employment. There are better solutions, such as using a functional resume instead of a chronological one.

2. False accomplishments and skills.

It’s okay to enhance actual skills and accomplishments, but telling big fat lies just to impress the recruiter is not the best way to create a positive image. Don’t list it if you’re unable to back it up.

3. Enhanced titles and responsibilities.

You may think you’re lucky if the recruiter didn’t call your past employer. However, you may be overwhelmed with the new job you’re going to take once you realize you’re ill equipped for the role. Why lie your way into a job that you’ll just end up losing anyway?

4. Fabricated degrees and educational history.

Listing a false educational background can get you fired and may even bring a lawsuit from your employer. Don’t learn the hard way about the consequences of lying. In this digital day and age, checking one's educational background is a snap.

5. Inconsistent gaps and periods of “self-employment.”

Be honest on why you took the time off. Don’t make up a fictional job to cover an employment gap. It’s never wrong to be unemployed in order to take care of things that are important to you.

6. Shady job history.

If you think you have a bad record in your previous company, you have no choice but to face all the questions that will be asked by the recruiter. You can never tell when you might get a second chance just because you chose to do the right thing.

7. Fake credentials.

This is definitely unprofessional and can affect your career in the long run. You’ll be better off if you just tell the truth.

8. False stories about why you left a company.

If you were previously fired, explain it in a tactful way without having to tell lies. Explain it in a positive tone, and you’ll be surprised at how supportive your recruiter will be.

9. Fraudulent references.

Don’t let your friends or family lie on your behalf; it won’t help you if you end up losing your job because you got caught in a lie. Just look for a genuine reference so you can avoid getting into trouble.

10. False military record.

It is obvious that for certain jobs, people who have been in the military have preferential treatment over other job applicants. It may be tempting to fake this, but you’ll be likely to get caught sooner or later. There’s no need to destroy your career and disrespect people who actually earned their military record.

To avoid problems, it’s always better to tell the truth, especially if you’re trying to land a job. Telling a string of lies won’t do you any good since you’ll only be living in fear of getting caught. Be truthful and don’t get upset if you don’t get the job you’ve always wanted. There are companies out there that will value your honesty and integrity.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.