Three Keys to Interviewing for Older Applicants

Older applicants TipsMany people who are older than the average applicant fear interviews. However, seasoned applicants need not allow their age to become an issue. Older applicants should understand that they have something that average applicants don’t.

As an older applicant, you have experience. Prepare answers to interview question in which you can use this experience during an interview to prove that you will be the better employee.

Utilize What You Have

In any interview situation, emphasize your experience. The wisdom and insight that come from experience can save the company time and money. Show an interviewer that, once hired, you will be able to have an immediate impact in the company. You will not need extensive training, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Tactfully point out current company issues and how your experience will be able to help them. Show how your maturity will be more advantageous than youth, and that you already know how to get along with others and are less prone to drama.

Use Evidence, Not Claims

Younger applicants who do not have experience can’t back their answer up with evidence. An older applicant, in contrast, will have the luxury of using experience as proof of their skills.

When answering questions, cite examples of how your experience improved a company based on dollars saved, profit, time saved, or any other quantifiable data in which you were responsible.

Be Versatile

Common reasons why employers avoid hiring older applicants include:

  • Older applicant can’t keep up
  • Established work habits
  • Technophobe

It is vital during the interview to show that you are able to adjust to the modern work environment. Emphasize that working with younger bosses will not be an issue. It is critical that during the interview you show respect and remain open to suggestions and instructions, regardless of the interviewer’s age.

You also need to show an interviewer that you are able to keep up with the latest technology. Let him or her know that technology will not be an issue for you. Demonstrate your knowledge with the latest technology.

Don’t let age be the barrier between you and your next job. Leverage your experience in your next interview. Show the interviewer that you are an asset and will be a positive addition to the company.

Read 20612 times Last modified on Monday, 14 January 2013 09:02
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.