Interviews I Regret

Interviews I RegretI've failed several important job interviews in my life.

(At least, they were very important to me at the time.)

The ones that hurt the most were the ones where I looked back over the coming days, weeks and months and felt the piercing sting of regret.

I'm talking about those nights when you lay awake in bed and think about the things that could have been. The mornings when you're driving through the rain, on your way back to a job you hate, looking out the window while you're stuck in traffic, gritting your teeth at the thought that you almost escaped.

We've all been there.

(Another day, I'll share some stories with you of folks I've coached who were close to giving up, and had no idea they were only one or two job interviews away from landing their dream job!)


Do you know why I regretted these interviews?

It's because, looking back, I knew I didn't prepare enough. (Although, I've got to admit, at the time I wasn't really sure about the best way.)

In hindsight, there are certain things I could have researched that would have made me better prepared for the questions that really scared me.

I now know that interviewers almost always ask some variation of the same "standard interview questions". There are twenty of them.
Unfortunately, you can be sure one or two questions will ask you about weaknesses, or gaps in your job history, or getting fired. However, there are ways to reframe these same questions, and use them to demonstrate key traits the interviewer is looking for. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true!

It's all about researching the right things ahead of time.

If only I knew what I know now, I'd have been able to tell my story in a way that showed them why I was the perfect candidate.

I'd have walked in confident, and ready to give my best.

Let me give you some valuable advice:

When it comes to acing interviews and landing jobs, there are some things that are outside of your control.

The hiring process might be a formality and a foregone conclusion. (I.e., the job has already been given to the Chairman's nephew.)

Or you might be the ideal candidate, but there's also one other ideal candidate and the final decision comes down to the proverbial coin toss.
(Stuff like this is rare, but it happens sometimes.)


When you show up on the day completely prepared, and when you have a solid game plan that allows you to present your best self, regret will never haunt you. You'll feel confident in the interview and it will show.

When you go home afterwards, you can be at peace with yourself, and move on to your next challenge, focused and ready to give your best again.

Read 1983 times Last modified on Thursday, 30 August 2018 04:40
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.