Interview Question: What would be your ideal working environment?

ideal working environmentMost of us are aware that people are happiest and most productive when they work in an environment they are comfortable in. Since companies have different styles and cultures, it’s vital to hire employees that will make the perfect fit.

That is why candidates should have an answer ready when recruiters ask them to describe their ideal work environment. This will help recruiters determine if candidates can handle what the job demands.

Here are some tips to help you draft an answer before the interview:

Small and large. Are you more productive working in a small company? If so, write down why you prefer working for a smaller business. Perhaps it is because you’re exposed to more,and can respond to changes faster. However, working in a large working environment has its benefits as well, including more formalized training that you can use when given greater responsibilities in the future.

If you’re just starting to build your career, it may be best to work in a large company in order to learn large-scale processes. It all depends on the company you want to work for, and the direction you want your career to take. When formulating your answer, consider what you most want to contribute.

Formal and informal. Since everyone has their own work style, it is important to know how you feel about the formality of processes. Some may prefer making business decisions over a casual lunch or during meetings.

Working hours. Are you willing to work overtime, or do you prefer working for a company with set hours? Work-life balance is a typical interview question. Have a clear answer ready.

If work is your life, then feel free to convey that you’re willing to stay late just to get things done. For those who want to be productive with set hours, make sure you are willing to arrive on time in order to tackle your responsibilities and produce great results.

Whatever your choice may be, make sure you’ll do a great job in fulfilling the responsibility that a company gives you. In the event you’re hired into a company with an environment that you’re not comfortable with, do your best to make adjustments, and test out your flexibility in your current circumstance. It will serve you in your next job.

Read 8568 times Last modified on Friday, 12 February 2016 12:22
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.