Sep, 2012

5 Mistakes That Interviewers Make

Interviewer MistakesHiring is a big decision for any company; it can either help a company to prosper or hold it back. Before hiring, interviewers sift through applicants carefully in order to hire the best one. Still, even though hiring someone is a big decision, managers make mistakes in their interviewing, leading to bad hires. Here is a list of common interviewer mistakes:

Wrong Questions

Sometimes interviewers try to use gimmicks; they ask interview questions that are vague or have no clear relevance to the position you are applying for. Instead of knowing how an applicant will perform on the job, the only thing they find out is answers to their silly questions.

Not Asking Enough

When we meet people, it will take a lot of time and perhaps years of friendship to know everything about them. Asking only for one example from an interviewee is not enough. A good interviewer should ask questions about a topic until he is satisfied and confident that the applicant is qualified.

Unclear or Wrong Objectives

Before coming to an interview, an interviewer should know what it will take for a person to excel on the job. There should be clear skills and experiences that you are looking for. Evaluate the job properly in order to identify what traits and skills are needed. Don’t overvalue or undervalue any particular skill or characteristic.

One-Way Traffic

The interview should be a conversation, and in a conversation there should be communication. For communication to happen, both parties should be both a sender and a recipient of information. When an interviewer talks the whole time, the applicant will not be properly evaluated because he wasn’t given a chance to prove himself as the best candidate. This is how strong candidates get overlooked sometimes.

Not Being Candid

Any good interviewer will tell an applicant everything about the job, including such things as the long work hours and difficult clients. When the interviewer starts hiding the less attractive aspects of the job, the company ends up with people who don’t want to work for them.

Job applicants should know about these mistakes that interviewers make. Armed with this information, you will have a better understanding of what you are getting into, and you can gently guide the interviewer toward a more successful and productive interview.

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