Why Applicants Don’t Get Rejection Letters

Rejection Letters Let’s face it. Putting in significant effort when applying for a job and not hearing anything from the company’s end can be infuriating. Have you ever wondered why the majority of companies never care to send you a rejection letter? There are legitimate reasons why you rarely see one, and the reasons come direct from hiring managers. You might be surprised why it’s so important for companies not to send out rejection letters every time an applicant gets turned down.

Volume. There are hundreds of applicants who hope to land a job every time a company has an opening. If a company sends out hundreds of rejection letters, that’s a significant added expense, plus time consumed. It’s a profit- and productivity-draining task.

Added manpower. If hundreds of applicants received rejection letters, the company’s phone lines would ring like there’s no tomorrow. Imagine the stress for employees forced to take irate calls from those who think they deserved to get the job instead. Would you want to answer the phone?

Second thoughts. Interviewers change their minds when it comes to hiring employees. Sometimes, it is possible that the companies are keeping their options open. They may want to hire you sometime in the future. (But they genuinely don’t know when that might happen.)

Legal matters. Some applicants may take a rejection letter to heart. If interviewees somehow got out of hand, they could decide to sue the company — especially if the letter is written in a way that could push applicants to take legal action. It’s just not worth it.

As an interviewee, you can always follow up and ask for a timeline regarding the hiring process. (Remember, you are not asking them to decide as soon as possible.) A follow-up keeps them updated and lets them know that you are still interested in the job. If they have previously given you a timeline, and you haven’t been called, place one quick call and politely ask if there’s an update; if not, make sure a follow-up call is acceptable.

If you do get rejected, don’t take it personally. Think of it as a learning experience for your next job-hunting adventure. If you’re gracious enough, you can send out a thank-you note to stand head and shoulders above other applicants. This will make you seem like a more interesting candidate and it’s a considerate way to keep yourself in the loop. The hiring manager is more likely to remember you if something changes and there’s a need.


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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.