What Resume Format is Best for You?

Best Resume FormatHere are four resume layouts you can use to boost your chances of getting employed.

Every jobseeker should know that not all resumes are created equal. Numerous formats are accepted by recruiters.

Follow the guide below to know what resume format will fit your background and career goals:

Chronological Format. In most cases, you can’t go wrong with a resume using a traditional chronological format. Because it presents employment history from the perspective of time, you need to have a consistent history without gaps.

In the event that you spent considerable time unemployed (due to a layoff, for example), the chronological format may not work in your favor. If at some point you chose to take some time off, you should include that in your resume rather than leaving a gap — otherwise, employers may question it. If you’ve been switching jobs for the past couple of years, be ready to provide a brief and diplomatic explanation.

Functional Format. If you have been jumping from one job to another, using a functional format for your resume may be the best way to go. The functional format allows you to showcase your skills through your accomplishments.

Use one of your best skills as a skill headline and include bullets under it that focus on your key achievements in connection to it. Make sure not to use clichéd phrases in your bullets — yourgoal is to show how you’ve been applying your strongest skills at work.

Combined Format. This format works best for those who are switching careers after being employed for a long time in a senior position. Since it uses both functional and chronological format, it allows you to translate your skills to the language of your new career field.

Don’t forget to list your professional experience, including basic information on the jobs you’ve handled in the past. You can use bullets to focus on your achievements related to your skills at the same time. Sticking to the most pertinent facts helps you create a powerful resume.

Visual Resumes. Recently, nontraditional resumes have become popular among job seekers. This format type uses graphics and other media to present information, and it’s a fun way to stand out among the rest if you’re applying to a job in a creative field. (Don’t forget to include a traditional version of your resume. Most employers still rely on the tried and true.)

It’s important to choose the right format to help boost your chances of getting the job you’ve always wanted. Make sure your resume is clearly written, in a way that the employer will understand. When drafting your resume, keep in mind that recruiters literally go through hundreds, and even thousands of resumes. Highlight your skills as much as you can.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.