Oct, 2020

What to Do if You Hate Your Job

What to Do if You Hate your JobA lot of us hate something about our jobs. Like everything else in life, nothing in this world is ever perfect. So whether it’s your boss, your colleague, your pay rate or a part of your task, there’s always something that puts a speck in that picture of a dream job you’ve always wanted. And this is all normal. But what if it’s really what you do that makes you unhappy? Well, that could be an entirely different story. Your job may have its flaws here and there you know you can tell if you’re still happy with what you do. But once you find yourself already considering quitting and trying a new career someplace else, it’s an indication that yes, you do hate your job.


So how do you handle it? Do you immediately quit or do you stay? Here are some tips you might find handy!

It’s perfectly natural to feel unhappy about your job even if it’s your sole bread and butter. However, make sure you don’t get it blasted on Twitter or social media accounts or to all your family and friends. Maybe share your sentiments to a few but more importantly, take more time to reflect.

Try to think about why you feel unhappy. Figure out what’s causing these emotions. Is it just your boss? Some aspects of your job? Nosy colleagues? Or is it everything about your job? What is it that you want to change if there’s anything? Once you figure that out, it will be much easier to determine the next steps to take.

Know you’re not the only one
We all go through some love-hate relationship with our jobs, so there’s no reason to feel bad when you begin feeling unhappy. Know that you’re not the only one so stop the blame game. There’s no need to beat yourself up for it. It happens. Sometimes, it turns out that the job we applied for didn’t turn out the way we expected it to be. Or it didn’t give us the growth opportunities we need to grow professionally.

Determine your next steps
Once you’ve figured out it’s really your job you’re unhappy about, it’s time to determine your next steps. Think about the kind of change you want to happen with your career and what it will entail. Will it require quitting your current job and jumping to a new one? Or will training or certification on another field be necessary?

Take time to talk to your mentors or a few professionals in different industries who might give you some helpful insights. Do your research specific on the companies you’re interested in, the skills they’re looking for and value as well as potential roadblocks.

There is no such thing as a perfect job or perfect career. But no matter how flawed, you know you’ll stay doing the job that makes you happy for as long as it’s needed. Otherwise, it might be time to rethink things over and consider your options. After all, no one should settle and stay in a job that they hate. Think it over.



Read 1209 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 November 2020 22:25
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.