Interview Question: When Was The Last Time You Were Angry? What Happened?

Interview Question EmotionKnow how to ace this question the right way to keep your nerves from taking control.

If you hear this question from the interviewer, he or she wants to have a clear understanding if you can get a hold of your emotions or lose control. Remember that the word “angry” means loss of control in an interviewer’s perspective.

This question is usually posed to see what gets you angry or how you are easily angered.

Here are some examples to help you answer this question like a pro:

  • “It takes a lot to irritate me so I don’t get angry easily, let alone anger me. Once I feel stressed, I step back, take a deep breath and think of a solution right away. This will help me formulate a plan of action to keep my nerves under control.”
  • “To keep my emotions getting in the way, I try to look at every situation from an analytical perspective. When difficult circumstances come up, Itry to be honest as much as possible to avoid further problems.”
  • “I don’t think anger is an appropriate emotion to display, especially when at work. Though some situations have been frustrating, I try to calm myself as much as I can and think of ways that can improve the situation. Doing this helps me be an effective worker rather than having my frustration incapacitate me.
  • “As much as possible, I don’t let my emotions take over in order for me to think of a solution to fix the problem. No matter how frustrated I am, I try to keep myself calm and professional since my anger won’t do me good in any way. I control my mind not to be overwhelmed by the situation.”

These examples should help figure out how to draft an answer of your own. Perhaps you can share some of your past experiences to help you provide proof for your actions. Be calm as much as you can to help you get your point across without any problem.

Make sure to prepare your answers before going to the interview and practice it with a peer or mentor for help. As for the preparation, try not to memorize your answers to avoid sounding like a robot. No interviewer would want to talk to a candidate who sounds like one, especially if you have plans of getting hired anytime soon.

Read 36664 times Last modified on Friday, 20 February 2015 17:03
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.